Thursday, April 5, 2012

2nd post ( don't worry I won't number them all)- Politics or " Poor Romney"

I should feel bad. I love an underdog.
The kid in high school that no one likes then lashes out? I always feel sorry for them. They are simply misunderstood in my opinion. I find redeeming qualities in most villains ( heck, I used to think Gaston from Beauty and The Beast kinda had a raw deal). I'm just a sucker like that...
But this is Romney. I just can't seem to. I'll have to work on that.
Only 11% of his own people are excited about his nomination???

I mean we are talking about the presidential nominee ( c'mon, at this point, we all know he is, except Santorum who apparently has extended his science denial to include simple Math as well) of one of the 2 major parties in the U.S.
According to a Economist/YouGov poll , only 11% of Republican voters would be excited if Romney became the Republican Presidential Nominee.
This is has got to hurt. Really.
Also, 55% ( I'm talking about Republican voters) think he " says what people want to hear, not what he really believes".
Well, Duh. But I thought only we  knew that. Modern-day republicans seemed to be a bit deluded of late. Somewhat surprising that they are actually not as [{insert-preferred-adjective-here}] as we thought. This is kinda good for our democracy no?

My question is however: why do they keep voting for him if they reaaaalllyyy don't like him? I understand they'd rather vote for a fake plant covered by confused flies than Obama but still. There should be such a thing as holding your nose so long and hard that you pass out before casting your vote, doncha think?

But then again, who would they have voted for, eyyh? Cain ( ha! rememba him?), Bachman, Perry, Gringrich? Even they didn't know they were running I think ( I'm sure even their own family members were like " are people really buying into this crap?").  ... Bless the primary voters' hearts, they really tried with Santorum as the anti-Romney. But they kinda forgot that...well, it was Santorum. He had a good thing going for awhile then he opened his mouth and went on what must have been an acid-induced trip tangent about contraception, porn, and just plain bizarro world ( not too crazy for Alabama, Louisiana and the likes but a bit of a stretch for the Midwest and Northeast).

Anywho, (and let me borrow from major suckdouche Mark Halperin), this IS good news for Obama!  I'm slowly starting to believe that events ( economy, war with Iran, gas prices, major fall crisis) would likely be what cost him the election rather than the Republican nominee.

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