Thursday, April 5, 2012

2nd post ( don't worry I won't number them all)- Politics or " Poor Romney"

I should feel bad. I love an underdog.
The kid in high school that no one likes then lashes out? I always feel sorry for them. They are simply misunderstood in my opinion. I find redeeming qualities in most villains ( heck, I used to think Gaston from Beauty and The Beast kinda had a raw deal). I'm just a sucker like that...
But this is Romney. I just can't seem to. I'll have to work on that.
Only 11% of his own people are excited about his nomination???

1st Post- Filler

I haven't thought this through obviously. I just wrote a political piece that I want stored somewhere so I figured why not a blog?
But I can't just make it my first post now can I? So this is it.

If  I return to this thing, maybe I'll share some personal stuff. I'm not really thinking I will ( return to this thing I mean). Probably because I will most likely not remember this site, my user name or my password.

Anywho, the general feel of this thing ( I will keep calling it this thing just as a fyi) , as most things ( eh)  in my life, it's probably going to be a very random, weird stream of consciousness ( or not conscious if I post on a weekend) that I feel grandiose enough to share on the internets. Politics, family, odd thoughts, self indulgent musings etc.. Same as the millions of bloggers out there.

So, yeah. Next post.